Hey ladies and gents! Today has been a hectic day full of excitement and stress! First, and most exciting, I won the challenge today!! Second of all, I was elected as the NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association) President for our school's design board! Fun stuff! Now for the stress, registering for college classes is like the death of me. Too many options, all that can effect your future! Also, I found out today that the apartment I plan on living in is FULL for next year! I swear everywhere else in this town is complete trash. Seriously, I need city life. Get me outta here.
Anyways, here's today's outfit. Leggings-VS. Striped Shirt- Wet Seal. Green Shirt- Francesscas. Lace Blazer- Maurices. Orange Scarf- Christa Landmark. Polka Dot Glasses- Claires.
Also, Paige and I decided that tomorrow for C we're changing it to Classy Casual! Let's see who can be cute and comfy at the same time :)
Winner |
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