Thursday, June 21, 2012

Owl By Myself

Hello, ladies and gents.  I hope you had a spectacular day! I did some more DIY, can't get any better than that :)

This project could not be possible without Sandra J. Gunter. She's pretty much amazing. We share our love of decorating, and I admire all of her garage sale junk buys.  Including this one!

You're all probably thinking I've gone to far with this craze, but owls are sooooo cute! So since this one doesnt really go with my color scheme I decided to do a little revamping.  Hold on to your pants folks.......

I know! Cutest thing you've ever saw! This is going to look smashing in my apartment! HOLLA for college!

I bet you think this cute creature is saying, Im going to college owl by myself with Katie, great news for her, there's 2! I'll prob be painting him blue. Im thinking I should name them, Fiona and Fenwick.

Tell me your thoughts! :) 


  1. my thoughts are that you are more consumed with decorating your apartment than actually going to school, but personally i have nothing against that, so carry on and happy decorating.

  2. haha! if i have to live there i might as well make it a home right? :) enjoy your bed in your dorm, cause thats the only space your gonna have!
